Friday, October 12, 2007

Emotional Overload-Meeting Aaron

My first son! Wow! It’s amazing. He was so late coming to the hotel. We had Lily for about an hour in the lobby before Aaron arrived. The FM was here but the translator that came for Aaron’s hand off could not find us. She just didn’t realize it was us because she saw us with another baby and didn’t realize we were getting 2 babies. Anyway, it worked out and we got Aaron about 7:30pm. The hand off was quicker than with Lily since it was late. We spent about 5 to 10 minutes with the FM. We got a few notes about his schedule and one picture then we were off to be a family of 6 for the weekend. It all happened seamlessly and easily. When we got back to the room I must admit I thought for a while we were certainly crazy. I thought somebody really should have shaken us up to reality before we accepted the referral of 2 babies. But as I looked at them and realized that meant we would have to give up one of these babies…I realized NEVER, never would we do that. And, I became so grateful that nobody brought us back to our senses. Sometimes the craziest things you ever did are the best things you ever did.

Aaron is about the same size as Lily, even though he is 11 weeks younger. He also has more hair. They both have big beautiful eyes and everything about both of them is completely perfect. Aaron had me wiped over with emotions. He was the 2nd to arrive, so my nerves were already calm and I was tired, very tired. I didn’t get to hold him at the hand off. Dale did as I had Lily and we forgot strollers and baby carriers. We were just ready to get to our room. It was all so quick, no real time to sink in. As the evening wore on my emotions started to grow more than I imagined and he has stolen my heart. The middle of the night feedings were fabulous! I loved every second of it. I laid him next to me in bed and we snuggled as I fed him. It was just beautiful to have a quiet room, dark, cozy and this little bitty baby next to me and to watch him stir awake and then to fade back off into his slumber sleep. He only has 2 nighttime feedings (2am and 5:30am). He woke up on target and the bottle was ready to go. He was only awake maybe 10 minutes each time and we both slept very soundly in between. I woke several times to look in on both babies but fell back to sleep easily and soundly. It was a terrific night.

(By the way, we finally get dinner about 8pm. We were able to rent strollers from the hotel before dinner. The babies were very good during dinner. The hotel has a Champions (bar-grill), which is the same restaurant at the Marriott in Tampa, which we have eaten at before. Everyone speaks English. It really just felt like we were at a hotel in the US. The Marriott is very comfortable and a wonderful place to be.)